Thanksgiving Edition Blog 2020 Elevating Your Reality with the power of gratitudeGratitude is a super power that can be honed and developed to change the way you see your reality. When we practice gratitude and begin to live our lives from a vantage point of gratefulness and therefor wisdom, we adjust the vibration and frequency that we are able to operate from. Why does gratitude require wisdom? Eventually in age comes the discovery of impermanence, that tomorrow really is not promised. If you can embrace this TODAY, you are able to soak in the blessings of what you have. You are able to experience the richness of LIFE as it's happening, you gain access to the nectar of existence. You see simple things, such as the roof over your head, the food in your belly, your family, for what they are... gifts. The day you are experiencing right now is a gift, and the only appropriate response is gratefulness. When we adjust our mindset towards gratitude and away from complaining, away from negativity, we readjust our brains filter of our reality. Interrupt anxiety with gratefulness. The reticular activating system within our brains serves as the filter we create, and it filters information according to what we deem a priority. So, if you are consistently focusing on the fact that you never have enough, your brain will filter your reality to match this. If you are practicing gratitude and aware of the abundance of your life, your reality will be filtered to match this. After a three week study at Berkeley of 100 participants, practicing gratitude revealed a changed MRI scan. There was more activity in the medial prefrontal cortex, the brain area associated with learning and decision making. Actively practicing gratitude has been found to have incredibly positive impacts on not only our mental health but also our physical health. Gratefulness brings us out of survival mode, it takes us out of the pattern of chronic stress because it is impossible to feel stress and gratitude at the same time! Stress and gratitude require the usage of different parts of the brain that can't be used simultaneously. So, we eliminate the negative effects of stress while encouraging circulation and health through activating the parasympathetic nervous system! This is our body's natural ability to heal, through circulation, digestive operations, heart health and so much more! Gratitude = The secret key to a life of abundance! How to practice gratitudeNow that we understand the powerful impact that gratitude can have on our lives, how do we practice it? Not only has positive psychology laid out a number of ways for us to practice gratefulness, but cultures all over the Mworld have emphasized an active engagement with gratitude!
Gratitude Journal - Create a journal just to express gratitude and make note of things, people, places, anything you are grateful for! These can be small things, like the breakfast you had this morning or a kindness you experienced. They can also be big things and reflections from the past that make you smile! Practice this for an extended amount of time to gain ultimate benefits. Letters of Gratitude - Write letters of gratitude to the people in your life who you cherish! Let the people in your life know you are grateful for them! Write a few letters a week for 3 weeks, this is the study that Berkeley used when measuring the impact of gratitude on the brain! Meditation - Create a safe, quiet space to meditate in a comfortable position. Reflect on simple things you are grateful for, such as the breath, and then reflect on your life and your many blessings! Tune into our Virtual Class Library to gain access to Gratitude Meditations and Gratitude Yoga Classes pre-recorded! Mindfulness - Pause throughout the day and bring yourself into the moment you are in to be grateful for it and enjoy it! For example, when you are eating a meal reflect on the journey the ingredients took to nourish your body. Take a sip of water and practice gratefulness that you have clean water to drink. Soak in life as its happening! Self Talk - Become aware of your reactions and self-talk. If your mindset is that of scarcity and not having enough, take a moment to pause and practice gratitude for the gift that you are experiencing another day. If you are stuck in a loop of self doubt, pause and take a moment to look ahead and focus on where you want to go and be grateful that there is potential around every corner to accomplish your dreams! You got this!
11/24/2020 09:06:53 am
Lovely article. Very helpful especially at these times. Thank you!
11/20/2023 09:32:52 am
This is so important during this season of Thanksgiving and bounty, and throughout the year. I thank you for this information. 🙏🏼
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