Kim ScalaHypnotherapist, Founder of Focus Plus Hypnosis You are more than enough... Way more!Abundance is all around us in nature . Abundance is more than enough. I work with clients who come from a place of incompleteness. Somewhere in their life journey they believed something about themselves that was just not true. Sometimes they have a belief that they are not enough. Not good enough ,not smart enough , not pretty enough, some how they got in the belief of not being worthy of all the greatness that life has to offer. You see we all carry some limiting beliefs about ourselves and then we go through life with these self imposed limitations that even we aren’t aware of. We have an abundance of limitation and it shows up daily to prove to us again and again that we aren’t enough . Have you had relationships that just don’t last? A critical voice in your head that reminds you that you can’t do something? How about the wealth that seems just beyond your fingertips? Well these are just some of the ways that a limiting belief that you concocted many years ago can show up in your life. If you are blaming anyone else for what you don’t have in your life, that you would like to see or have, you have to start questioning yourself. Let me give you an analogy here. Remember when you were first riding a bike you had to concentrate on balancing yourself and pedaling and you were hyper vigilant about executing the task. Fast forward now if you were to get on a bike you don’t overthink it you just get on and go. Your subconscious mind has a file for bike riding and it is pretty much automatic . Same goes for a belief that you hold for a certain amount of time it gets reinforced over and over then it goes out of your conscious mind and gets filed in the subconscious mind where it becomes an automatic program . The belief of not feeling enough is like a superhighway that you are on. The good news is you can switch lanes get off this highway to hell and get on a new track that can be open to allow abundance to flow into your life. My role as a hypnotherapist is to clear the subconscious mind of limiting beliefs that got stored away. I have a great deal of techniques to clear limiting beliefs. Emotional Freedom Tapping ( EFT) is one way. By tapping on energy points mostly on the face as we get the subconscious to speak to the conscious . Once you become conscious of an illogical belief you can consciously let it go. I also use Socratic questioning technique which is a great way for you to wrap your head around a belief that you hold subconsciously. I also can release beliefs from the subconscious energetically with hypnosis. The language of the subconscious mind is energetic with pictures and images . By using tones and voice frequency I clear a path to your subconscious mind to plant some better thoughts and beliefs that can really serve you. I put in clear pictures of what you want. You see you are creating your reality. The only catch is you are creating it with what you have available. If deep down you have a belief that you are not enough you will see proof of that belief showing up in your life and as your life. So if you are feeling that there is something missing in your life. You are right. All the abundance is around you but if you don’t feel worthy of it you won’t even see it in your reality. Abundance will elude you. Something you can do starting today would be to use the affirmation “I am enough." Write it down everywhere . Repeat it throughout the day ! Say it to yourself and say it out loud . Let your subconscious know that you are enough. Keep saying it until you really resonate with it. We all have cell phones that are being upgraded all the time. Think of a hypnosis session as a mind upgrade. Let’s find what thought streams are running in the background and together we will clear and upgrade your system. Abundance is all around you... let’s get it to flow to you! All we have to do is convince you that you are more than enough... way more! Book a Session With Kim!
January 2025
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