LIVE Virtual Sessions
Sessions to nourish your mind, body and soul
With Kathleen
REIKI ENERGY HEALINGRestore natural and serene balance with this healing virtual reiki session enhanced with sound therapy. All living things have energy within that serves as their life force. We share our energy in many forms, whether it be through the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide with our fellow plant life or the flow of emotions with the people around us. Our memories and experiences shape us and are stored in our tissues, affecting our physical and emotional balance. Reiki is an ancient practice where the therapist is trained and tuned to be able to channel universal energy to clear and restore the balance of our energetic, physical, and spiritual well being.
Sessions Price Reiki 60 Minutes $125 Energy Healing 30 Minute Treatment $48 |
RISE - Stretch & Soothe SessionThis 1 hour session is a blend of deep stretching and Reiki meditation to release muscle and energetic tension in the neck, shoulders and upper back. Melt and soothe your upper body while aligning your upper chakras and awakening your connection to divine energy, ignite your RISE! This is a Live Stream ZOOM session, make sure you have room to stretch and a comfortable place to lay for meditation.
Sessions Price 60 Minutes $95 |
Root - Stretch & Soothe SessionThis 1 hour session is a blend of deep stretching and Reiki meditation to release muscle and energetic tension in the mid/lower back, hips and legs. Melt and soothe your mid back down to the soles of your feet while aligning your lower chakras, ignite your ROOT and stability! This is a Live Stream ZOOM session, make sure you have room to stretch and a comfortable place to lay for meditation.
Sessions Price 60 Minutes $95 |
Full Body Melt -
Virtual Sessions with Theresa
Virtual Michael's Sessions
Hypnotherapy, Spiritual and Transformational Sessions
Akashic Records ReadingWelcome in your spiritual guides, the angelic realm, ascended masters and more in this enlightening reading experience. These beings from the higher realms look at your life from a spiritual perspective and see the larger picture. They can access all the records of you including other lifetimes as well as your experiences in the spiritual realms after physical death.
These sessions can help you with the direction of your future. To create a blueprint to help you take your next, natural steps in a progression of growth and ascension into your higher consciousness. To help you lift the veils of illusion and false identification with the narrower aspects of self. To help you see your blind spots. To support and verify your own intuition. To reveal your true nature and provide clarity, direction and healing. Options Price Per Person Member Price Per Person 30 Minutes $82 $74.99 60 Minutes $132 $124.99 |
PAST LIFE REGRESSION THERAPYThe root causes of some problems go beyond just this lifetime. This special session is an in-depth look at a past life that is creating a problem in this lifetime. For me, it is not enough just to look at a past life, but I want to help you do something to alter the negative influence. We use processes to shift those old impressions in the mind that started in another life, so they no
longer bleed through, and have a negative affect on you in your current life. You will be surprised to find how those impressions not only affect you mentally but also physically! In this transformational session we not only heal it in the past life so it doesn’t bleed through into this life, we also look to heal the pattern in this life. These sessions can be very dramatic and often lead to positive, life-altering changes. In addition, any positive traits and abilities you may have developed in that past life can be brought forward into your present life. I will e-mail you notes about the session and practical exercises that will allow you to make permanent the changes you created. Options Price Per Person Member Price Per Person 2 Hour Session $235 $229.99 |
HYPNOTHERAPY - RELEASING THE ROOT CAUSE OF A PROBLEM AND REMAPPING THE BRAIN FOR WHAT YOU WANTThis heart-centered method allows you to go into a deep relaxed state of mind, and takes your mind to the root cause of a problem. I have found that problems often started in the first few years of life or in-utero. Your young mind created a mis-impression or upset response to some perceived trauma or difficult situation. Experience is knowledge. This process allows your inner mind to show you how these faulty ideas and misperceptions came into being originally. By discovering the information yourself, instead of someone telling
you, the experience becomes much more powerful and as a result it is much easier to release old patterns that no longer serve you. Making a permanent shift. Using special releasing techniques, you can transform the negative emotions and faulty thoughts and create a new positive pattern to follow. The result is that your mind now defaults to a positive, new response, bringing more peace and harmony into your current life. These changes are integrated into your life and become permanent, positive changes and literally remap your brain.. You will be emailed notes about the session and practical exercises that will allow you to make permanent the changes you created. Options Price Per Person Member Price Per Person 60 Minutes $135 $129.99 90 Minutes Deeper Dive $185 $179.99 |
OVERCOME INSOMNIADEEP, RESTORATIVE SLEEP WITHOUT USING MEDICATIONSI’ve worked with many people who are having problems either falling asleep or waking up and not being able to get back to sleep. We do a process to shift the inner mind of this negative pattern and I also give you a protocol to follow to fall asleep naturally. This process has helped many completely get off all sleep medications.
You can’t “make” yourself fall asleep, that only keeps you up longer but if you do an inner mind process that gets you in the correct brain wave frequency, sleep comes over you easily and naturally. Once you begin to form this new habit it builds momentum and creates a new lifelong pattern of deep restorative sleep. Options Price Per Person Member Price Per Person 60 Minutes $135 $129.99 |
WOMB REGRESSION THERAPYThis special session uses a regression process to take you on a journey into the womb, just before you were born. Our entry point is through the first chakra where these memories are stored in the unconscious mind. It is amazing to find out how you were negatively imprinted by what your
mother and father were feeling just before your birth. This is often where your life-long patterns started (Bruce Lipton in his book “The Biology of Belief” states that 95% of patterns are started in utero and the first few years of life.) Once you discover these patterns, we do a process to shift those negative imprints and create new positive ones. At the end of the session we do a “rebirthing” process so you come into the world in a fresh new way. This can be a very powerful and life-altering session. *(Please note- this might require two sessions to complete.)* Options Price Per Person Member Price Per Person 90 Minutes $185 $179.99 |
With TAT you don’t need to stay stuck or stay feeling bad anymore. Now you can remove those stucknesses and feel a sense of well-being as the dominant part of your life.
TAPAS ACUPRESSURE TECHNIQUE (TAT)This inner mind process has a strong cumulative effect. During this process we focus on a specific issue or problem (mental, emotional or even physical) and you put your hands touching different acupuncture points around the head to activate a full brain perspective on a problem. At the same time I give your mind a series of 10 healing statements, one at a time. Your inner mind
(subconscious and unconscious) work with these statements releasing you from past patterns and trauma. TAT does not require you to remember or re-live anything (although often people do touch on old memories and events). It is based on the simple spiritual truth that all that exists is “now” and that whatever happened in the past is over, and you don’t need to resonate or hang on to it anymore. In other words, you don’t have to live from your history, you are free to create a new reality in the present moment. The TAT process helps your inner mind, where your history is stored as programs, free you from that and create a new, positive belief. I have seen wonderful results from this technique. I seen rapid changes and I’ve seen slow and steady changes over time. It is very successful for all sorts of trauma, including PTSD, negative and limiting beliefs, emotional upsets, negative patterns and even physical issues. Often diseases are the result of accumulative limited thinking and negative emotions and once you clear those the body knows how to heal itself. I healed myself of a long-standing neck problem in just one TAT session. Options Price Per Person Member Price Per Person 60 Minutes $135 $129.99 |
LIFE BETWEEN LIVESYou will be guided to have your own experience of this so it will be a powerful opening to parts of your perception that have been that you have lost awareness of. Some of the areas that will be covered are:
Options Price Per Person Member Price Per Person 3 hours $325 $307.29 |
SPIRITUAL COACHING SERIESThis Spiritual Coaching Series will help you connect more deeply with your Higher self and begin building a bridge to the soul, as well as introduce you to some different spiritual meditations.
This series consists of 6 sessions; usually booked as two sessions a month, for three months: one for 90 minutes ($180 each) and the other for 60 minutes ($125) before reevaluating your journey. You can schedule a zoom consultation or email Michael to inform him of your goals and to see if this session is a right fit for you! Options Price Per Person Series of 6 Sessions (3- 60 min & 3 - 90 min) $915 |
OPTIONAL NUTRITIONAL SUPPORTThis can be ordered for you to support the physical health of both you and the baby while you go through the program. This is a brand new formulation for targeted to pregnant women from Shaklee, the number one natural wellness company in the US.
It contains:
CREATING A HEALTHY PREGNANCY FOR YOU AND YOUR BABYIf you are pregnant and looking to connect with the soul of your incoming baby and are looking to be proactive to create both an emotional and physical environment to grow your baby’s body in the best way possible, you may be interested in this new program.
It has been shown that babies in the womb are responding to the outside mental and emotional environment and it affects them both positively and negatively. As a regression hypnotherapist I have had many clients go back to womb experiences for healing and transforming negative impressions. Also, the soul of the incoming baby is present there in the womb and why wait for your baby to be born to connect deeply with it. You can begin to form a deep connection as you go through your pregnancy. WHAT THE PROGRAM INCLUDES:
$395 Coming Soon |
OR contact our Wellness Concierge by calling (203) 403-3710 or emailing us at [email protected]
Ayurvedic Healing
Friday - TBD (Session 1) Saturday - TBD (Sessions 2 & 3) Sunday - TBD (Sessions 4 & 5) Sessions: Price:
Online live-stream $495 Pre recorded $395 |
Ayurveda Perfect Health Weekend RetreatThis is a weekend retreat workshop series comprising of five sessions at two hours each. Created by Dr. Deepak Chopra and Dr. David Simon. You will learn what Ayurveda is, where it came from and how and why this knowledge will help you profoundly in your health and wellbeing. By discovering your mind body composition or ”Dosha” you will begin to realize why you are prone to certain issues and how to easily make changes in your daily life through nutrition, body movement, meditation techniques, aroma and much more to bring you to your natural state of balance.