Geico Wellness Partnership
Finding Your Center
Intro To Mindfulness Series
Intro To Mindfulness Series
Back to School Deals!
Join us for some yummy flow every week in-studio or live-stream from anywhere in the world! From restorative and relaxing classes to toning and empowering classes, we have something for everyone!
Improves posture and prevents joint breakdown
Improves focus, memory, coordination and energy levels.
Releases muscle tension and soothes chronic pain. Improves flexibility and builds strength.
Nourishes the nervous system and lymphatic systems, increases circulation and cultivates strength
Lowers resting heart rate, increases endurance and oxygen intake. Lowers blood pressure and blood sugar.
Reduces stress, anxiety and depression. Lowers cortisol levels.
Grow Wellness offers an array of wellness classes that live stream throughout your week!
Geico associates receive 20% off all online classes and 15% off all therapeutic shop purchases with code GEICO at checkout!
Geico associates receive 20% off all online classes and 15% off all therapeutic shop purchases with code GEICO at checkout!
Grow Wellness CenterGrow Wellness is a one of a kind alternative therapy center located in Ridgefield, Connecticut. We provide many modalities of therapeutic massage, reiki healing, and holistic treatments. Within the Grow Wellness center, western and eastern medicine meet with grace to create a customizable, healing experience for our community. We offer an array of private sessions, therapeutic products and classes, workshops and courses. Our business model was designed by our CEO & Founder Kathleen Jaramillo Kweskin, who combined the science of positive psychology and the ancient wisdom of the healing arts to bring this incredible community sanctuary and center to life.
Have questions or concerns?Feel free to reach out to us with any questions or concerns! We're here for you!
203-403-3710 [email protected] |